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Key values and rationale


Teaching and learning at Ben Jonson is responsive to the individual learning needs of pupils and leads to progress for all.

Teachers are responsible for using their professional judgement to decide how effective feedback is given.

Children are equipped to act upon feedback and become independent as part of the process, therefore growing as learners.

"Feedback is powerful. It has been described as, “the most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement.” - Hattie, 1999


  • Assessment for learning always feeds directly back into planning.
  • Teaching is differentiated to the needs of all learners, including those with SEND.
  • All children make progress due to the responsive feedback received from adults.
  • Robust and ongoing assessment is central to the planning and teaching cycle.
  • All children know that their learning is valued.


As a school, we have moved away from an expectation of always using written marking in children’s books. Teachers are still expected to look carefully at children’s learning on a daily basis and use this information to feed back into their teaching. Teachers are expected to be able to evidence progress in children’s books and use children’s books to discuss how they have developed their children’s learning through feedback. During observations and monitoring activities, children’s books form the evidence and basis of discussion around teaching and learning.

Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment is an integral, continuous and daily part of the teaching and learning process at Ben Jonson. It informs all future planning and motivates and encourages the children as they take their next steps in learning. Much of it is done informally as part of each teacher’s and each child’s day-to-day work, using a range of ‘assessment for learning’ strategies. Formative assessment includes:

  • Ongoing assessment against National Curriculum objectives throughout each lesson through questioning, observation and dialogue.
  • Setting clear learning objectives – children knowing what they are being asked to learn and why.
  • Providing progress checks using success criteria shared with the children.
  • Feedback with clearly defined next steps (can be written or verbal).
  • Providing assessment tasks to assess the way children apply their skills and knowledge.

Summative Assessment – Years 1-6

Summative assessments are used to assess what a child can do at a particular time, and are used as one part of the overall teacher assessment.

  • Year 1: Phonics Screening Check (June) – to include Year 2 pupils who did not meet the standard in Year 1. (Year 1 teachers also use some age and stage appropriate standardised assessment materials to assess pupils’ ability to meet end-of-year expectations).
  • Year 1 and 2: termly assessments - Reading Comprehension and Maths
  • Years 3 – 5: termly assessments - Reading Comprehension, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS)
  • Year 6: half-termly assessments - Reading Comprehension, Maths, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS)
  • Year 4: Multiplication Tables Check (June)
  • • End of KS1 (Year 2) teacher assessments (using standardised assessment tests to help inform judgements) - Reading Comprehension and Maths (June).
  • End of KS2 (Year 6) standardised assessment tests - SATs - Reading Comprehension, Maths, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (May).
  • All year groups: Pupils’ writing is assessed against Assessment Frameworks, which outline the curriculum expectations for each year group