Children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing is a priority area for Ben Jonson School. Children can only settle to learn when they are safe and contained, physically and emotionally. Children need varying levels of support in order to thrive at different stages of development. We are committed to providing responsive and robust support to enable all our learners.
The offer outlines provision in three waves, as per the SEN code of practice. Wave 1 is a ‘universal offer’ that is accessible to the entire school population and community. Wave 2 is a ‘targeted offer’ that involves small group or direct work with a team member with additional expertise or training. Wave 3 is a ‘specialist offer’ for children who require the most support and a high level of expertise.
We will know we are successful if:
- Children and adults at Ben Jonson have their mental health and wellbeing needs recognised and acknowledged
- Responses are timely and personalised—different responses are available for different needs. Responses occur at the earliest possible time as we recognise early intervention is more effective for the person and cost effective for the school
- All groups in our community understand the offer and are able to access it as they need (children, families, staff)
- Provision for mental health and wellbeing is reflected upon and adapted depending on feedback and the needs of the community
- Enough provision is in place at wave 1 and 2 to enable most people to thrive to the best of their ability the majority of the time- children are noticeably coping in school and able to achieve without barriers regarding their personal wellbeing
- Referrals on at wave 3 are available and accessible- sources of support are secured sensitively
- Interventions are impactful- they create change for the child and the family. Children are calmer, more contained and regulated. They are able to engage with learning for longer periods.
- Families know the positives and successes of their child in school, they feel trusted, respectfully challenged and supported by the school.