Teach East London Teaching School Alliance (TELTSA)


We are proud to have been a National Teaching School since 2012, working with Bonner Primary School to lead Teach East London Teaching School Alliance (TELTSA). The 17 Tower Hamlets schools that form the teaching alliance believe that through collaboration and support we are able to deliver excellent continued professional development for our staff so that education for all the students in our schools is the very best. Teaching and Learning is at the heart of everything we do and is informed by the best practice honed by the latest educational research and by classroom based research.

Both Bonner and Morpeth Schools have a strong belief in the reciprocal nature of learning in terms of CPD. We therefore seize all opportunities for staff to work together and also to engage in dialogue with the many visitors we welcome, from ‘home and abroad’. Telling our story is, of course, also a means for reflecting on the strategies we have chosen. Maximising that reflection for a range of staff creates a culture and ethos of professional learning. All schools in the alliance share an ideology of equity and democracy.

The alliance is also an opportunity to maintain and increase the recruitment of high quality teaching and support staff to support the needs of children and schools in Tower Hamlets. We fully exploit our unique context to provide training and experience across a wide range of settings within very close geographical proximity: with our strategic partners we offer experiences from nursery to post 16, in both mixed and single sex institutions including a special school.





THEP Secondary Newly Qualified Teachers Programme (NQTs)

Support for teachers through the first year of their teaching has always been an alliance priority. As part of this support, TELTSA have been commissioned to run cluster group delivery of the Tower Hamlets Education Partnership course for Secondary NQTs. The course has six sessions and runs across the three terms to support NQTs at key points in their first year development.

Secondary NQT Flyer


THEP Recently Qualified Teachers Programme (RQTs)

Continued support for teachers through the early years of their teaching is also an alliance priority. Also commissioned by THEP, we deliver a bespoke, cross-phase TELTSA cluster group delivery of the Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership RQT course for primary and secondary teachers in their second year of teaching.

RQT Flyer


Developing Middle and Senior Leaders (NPQML and NPQSL)

For the last 5 years we have, and continue to, run a TELTSA cluster group delivery of National College for Teaching and Learning Leadership courses: NPQML and NPQSL to ensure that our middle and senior leaders, as well as those aspiring to leadership, are empowered to become excellent leaders who are informed and up to date with the very latest research with regards to both leadership and teaching and learning.

National Professional Qualification for Middle and Senior Leaders (NPQML and NPQSL)

View NPQML Information

View NPQSL Information

 View Colab Moodle



TELTSA are very pleased to be running a two-year research-led, cross-phase project on cognitive load. This involves all of the schools in the alliance and was launched with the Cognitive Load Conference on a joint INSET day on October 28th involving all primary teachers and representatives from the secondary schools. Schools will now trial ways of managing cognitive load in the classroom and this will be shared through a termly newsletter, cross-school observations and feedback. There will be a celebration event in the summer term for all schools to showcase their work on ‘The Thread’.

Cognitive Load Booklet

Cognitive Load Presentation

Cognitive Load TELTSA newsletter 2



Regular CPD activities for teaching and support staff are organised by the alliance to share good practice and this year termly Teach Meet sessions will take place to share good practice around Trauma Informed Practice and Restorative Justice.

TELTSA Teach Meet



TELSTA Newsletter