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Children with Special Education Needs

SEND Provision

We believe that Quality First teaching is the best and most powerful tool we have to support those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to reach their full potential and to participate fully in school life. Within this, good quality adaptation, sensory and physical adjustments and a range of additional evidence-based interventions are used to ensure all children are given equal opportunities and access in our school.

There are times when some children need additional support during their school life. Through our special needs programme, and with assistance from parents/carers, outside agencies and local special schools, we endeavour to identify promptly a child's particular needs, so that individual programmes can be provided when appropriate. We also have a SEMH provision within our school.

For any SEN queries please contact: sendco@benjonson.towerhamlets.sch.uk

SEN Local Offer

Ben Jonson School is an inclusive school which is always striving to be better. It offers a range of provision to support children with various SEND including: communication and interaction needs, learning difficulties, social, mental and emotional health difficulties and physical needs.

 Tower Hamlets Local Offer

Speech and Language Therapy and children under 5

Parent Workshops and Activities
