At Ben Jonson Primary School history learning involves children finding out about the world in which they live and how it has changed over time. History is taught across the school in half termly blocks over the year. These alternate with geography and where possible is interconnected with other aspects of the curriculum to make learning as meaningful as possible. Children learn about historical events in chronological order, as they move up through the school. Our curriculum focuses on acquiring facts and knowledge as well as developing historical enquiry skills. Our history curriculum follows the National Curriculum but our scope goes wider to ensure it is timely and relevant to our children today. Emphasis is placed upon acquiring historical knowledge and vocabulary and developing historical enquiry skills.
Sessions present children with the opportunities to develop fundamental skills of enquiry, to become open minded historians and explore the past in an exciting and engaging way. At the end of each history unit of learning, our children enjoy expressing what they have learnt in a variety of creative ways including; presentations, DT, writing, art, drama and computing. Children are given opportunities to explore the past through the use of a variety of sources of information and where possible, first hand experiences with role play, modelling, trips, workshops and visiting experts play a key part in our approach.
By the end of their time at Ben Jonson Primary School our Year 6 Historians will have developed a deep and broad knowledge of local, British, ancient and world history. They will be equipped with skills that enable them to ask questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement. They will understand the historical concepts of chronology, change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference, significance of events and their impact on the future. They will use historical terms and vocabulary accurately and effectively. They will know how to use a wide range of historical sources to enable them to research their own lines of enquiry. We want the learning experiences to inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and instil in them a positive attitude to learning. They will take away with them a respect for diversity, social responsibility and a sense of how events from the past have shaped their future.