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PSHE is an important and necessary part of the broad and balanced curriculum offered at Ben Jonson Primary School and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils. It is taught weekly across the school.  Through a range of engaging and age-appropriate lessons, activities, games and stories, children are equipped with a sound understanding of risk and how to make informed decisions, reflecting the needs of the school and the community it serves.   These lessons prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. 

We have made use of the concept of a spiral curriculum, revisiting themes relevant to development at different stages with varied complexity and depth. The broad areas we have chosen to include are:

  • Anti-bullying Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education
  • Economic wellbeing and financial capability
  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Healthy lifestyles, including the importance of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Relationships, health and sex education, Safety, including physical and on-line safety

The lessons are grouped under 6 main themes which change every half-term:

  • Being in My World
  • Celebrating Difference (which incorporates Anti-bullying Week)
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships and Changing Me 

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) 

Please review the Tower Hamlets RSE FAQs, the RSE policy and the parent letter to find out more information about the parent meetings we are holding: 

What will our children to be able to do when they leave us?

Our PSHE education helps our children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities. It is personalised to reflect the unique needs of our community. Our curriculum enables children to tackle barriers to their learning, raise aspirations and aims to improve the life chances of all our children. Our curriculum helps keep children safe, mentally and physically healthy and prepared for life and work. All children leave our school knowing determined to succeed and make the world a better place.

Please review the Tower Hamlets RSE FAQs, the RSE policy and the parent letter to find out more information about the parent meetings we are holding: 

Tower Hamlets RSE - Parents FAQs - frequently asked questions

RSE - Policy Ben Jonson Primary School March 2022

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) parent meetings - letter to parents - 31.03.2022


 Latest News/Useful Information:

 Anti-Bullying Week runs from 15th - 19th November this year with the theme One Kind Word. 

For further information, go to: https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk

 For advice on how to eat a healthy balanced diet, go to: The Eatwell Guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

PSHE Progression Mapping Whole School
