We endeavour to promote the importance of PE and a healthy lifestyle to all children across the school. This is through weekly PE lessons which takes place from EYFS-Year 6, discussions about being healthy in both PSHE and Science as well as our participation in the Daily Mile (Y1-6). In KS1, pupils develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination. These skills are developed further in KS2 where children develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities through collaborating and competing with each other.
Children are taught a range of sports from dance and gymnastics to net games like tennis and invasion games like hockey. Each half term, children are taught a different type of sport to develop skills over time. Our PE sessions are planned to be inclusive as well as engaging whilst children develop their understanding of physical education. Once children have acquired the necessary skills in a sport, we endeavour to give them the opportunities to represent the school and showcase their skills in inter and intra school competitions to embed values such as fairness and respect. In addition, we run daily sensory circuit sessions throughout KS1 and KS2 to improve specific areas of sensory motor skills through various physical activity
We encourage participation in a range of opportunities including our extra-curricular clubs and events throughout the year. We aspire to offer as many experiences to the children as possible, to ensure they develop a passion for physical activity and a deep understanding of their health and wellbeing.
By the time our children leave Ben Jonson, we aim for our pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Knowing that a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing whilst improving resilience is crucial. They will have the confidence and opportunities to compete in sport and other activities to build character, helping to embed values such as fairness and respect. Pupils would have the chance to build on the fundamental movement skills learnt in KS1 whilst developing a broader range of skills to make actions and sequences of movement. Our sportspeople will be equipped with the necessary tools to understand how to improve in different physical activities and how to evaluate and recognise their own success. By the time they leave us, they should be able to swim competently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a variety of strokes including front crawl and backstroke.
At Ben Jonson, we take part in the Daily Mile initiative to ensure all pupils are achieving the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Children and adults alike can run or walk at a brisk pace for 15 minutes in the fresh air where the weather is a benefit not a barrier. Its fully inclusive and every child whatever their circumstances, age or ability can succeed. It has many benefits which include: a positive impact on children's physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing; fitter children accessing PE and sport; reduced obesity levels over time; its free and improves resilience, self-esteem and determination.
Useful Information: |
Free sporting activities in Tower Hamlets which can be accessed during term time and holidays. |
The Daily Mile information for parents/carers - thedailymile.co.uk/parents-and-carers/ |
Premier Tennis - Click here to find out more |