
At Ben Jonson Primary School we believe that effective mathematics teaching enables children to be confident with all aspects of the subject. We strive to develop a positive approach to mathematics through our belief that all children can develop as mathematicians given the right opportunities and environment. We provide our children with an effective learning environment that promotes curiosity and enjoyment for maths. We encourage all children to value mistake making as this is a great opportunity to learn. We encourage children to use a range of mental methods for calculation, choose the most appropriate for a given problem and also to explain and justify their reasoning using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. We feel it paramount to develop children’s secure base of known facts that they can use and apply to calculations and problem solving.

To support us in achieving the above, we start with the National Curriculum and use the White Rose materials to structure our long-term plans and ensure coverage.  We aim to teach children using the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) model where learning is layered in this manner so that children use physical resources and visuals to thoroughly understand mathematical concepts before seeing the problem in the context of numbers and/or words. This allows our children to create a solid foundation on which new, complex learning can be built upon. Our calculation policy uses the CPA model to show the progression of written methods for the four operations. The National Curriculum emphasises the importance of teaching young mathematicians, fluency (basic facts), reasoning and problem solving.

The attainment and progress of children is carefully tracked against National Curriculum objectives with summative, statutory assessments taking place at regular points e.g. Year 2 SATs, Year 4 multiplication test and Year 6 SATs. Children are also tested regularly in Year 3,4 and 5 using the NFER tests. However, ongoing teacher assessment in class has remained the key tool for identifying children’s next steps within all year groups, with a comprehensive training focus on feedback, in-class marking and classroom practice and pedagogy (including the newly agreed Ben Jonson learning cycle).  Formative assessment is built into lesson design and enables adults to provide immediate support to children and informs teachers’ planning and interventions. This may include mini-plenaries and conversations throughout a lesson to check understanding and strategies, self-assessment and marking. Teachers may also look at the children’s written work and note where there are slips or misunderstandings. These can then be addressed through conversations, written comments or actions.

What will our mathematicians be able to do when they leave us?

By the end of their time at Ben Jonson Primary School, our mathematicians would have developed an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics. They will be curious mathematicians who think deeply about the world, approaching problems creatively and flexibly, including breaking problems down into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Our mathematicians will be confident in taking risks, have range of strategies to draw upon and the resilience to tackle unknown challenges. They will have an understanding of the concepts which underpin procedures, the ability to reason mathematically and to make rich connections between the different mathematical domains. They will ‘know’ numbers; develop a number sense and be able to recall and apply knowledge rapidly, accurately and efficiently. They will be able to move fluently between different representations of mathematical ideas and will be able to use manipulatives to model their mathematical thinking.

Ben Jonson Youtube Channel - Maths Videos 

 Latest News/Useful Information:

 White Rose Maths: White Rose Maths | Free Maths Teaching Resources | CPD Training
 NRICH: NRICH - Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students to Enrich Learning (

Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4: This is a statutory Times Tables test for Year 4 pupils in June. Children will have 25 Times Table questions to answer on an iPad in 5 minutes. Each question will be shown to the pupil for 6 seconds before moving on to the next question. Our recommended method in preparing for this test is using the ‘Soundcheck’ feature on Times Table Rockstars which replicates the Multiplication Tables check. Parent workshops for Year 4 will be held around December which will give parents/carers more information on how this test will be delivered.

Times Tables: Times Tables Rock Stars (

  Maths Curriculum Map

  Maths Progression Map

  Vocabulary progression