
Science is taught across the school by our class teachers. Our sequencing of science units and the skills and knowledge taught provides opportunities for pupils to access prior learned knowledge. At Ben Jonson, we believe that the students should understand where their current learning fits into the overall learning journey, from EYFS through to Year 6.

We aim to ensure our curriculum develops both the knowledge of science as well as the practices so our children learn how to work like scientists.  As we have developed our curriculum, we have worked hard to ensure that our children learn about scientific facts as well the skills. Our lessons are as practical as can be and children have many opportunities to work scientifically and revise these practices.  

We also feel that it is important that children are given opportunities to make links and immerse into topics fully. Where there are connections between topics or subjects, there are further opportunities for children to access their previously learned knowledge and deepen their understanding. We encourage our children to learn science in the different ways that real scientists engage in their work; through reading, writing, talking and investigating science.

What will our scientists be able to do when they leave us?

By the end of their time at Ben Jonson Primary School our Year 6 scientists will have built up both the knowledge and skills to enable them to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring around them, predict how things will behave and analyse causes. They will be able to articulate scientific concepts clearly using scientific language. Our scientists will have banked a range of learning experiences that will have developed their excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and the world around them. Their curiosity will ensure they continue to ask their own questions and they will have the relevant skills needed to investigate further. Our scientists will understand that scientific understanding changes and develops over time and will always continue to do so. This full and rounded understanding of the world will impact their lives, influencing the choices that they make so that through their actions they are able to make the world a better place.


Useful Information

Science Family Events in London:
Science Museum
Science Resources and Links:
Wow Science

Science at home



Science Knowledge Mats

  Year 1 Science Knowledge Mats
  Year 2 Science Knowledge Mats
  Year 3 Science Knowledge Mats
  Year 4 Science Knowledge Mats
  Year 5 Science Knowledge Mats
  Year 6 Science Knowledge Mat

Science Progression Map