
Ben Jonson is a non-selective, state-funded school serving children of all abilities. Places will be allocated to those who live nearest to the school as well as, of course, providing for those with a statement of educational need and those who are in Local Authority care.

⦁    Children looked after by a Local Authority (children in care).
⦁    Children for whom there is an identified special need - educational, social, emotional, physical or medical.
⦁    Sisters or brothers of children already attending Ben Jonson, provided they live within 1.5 miles of the school.
⦁    Children who live closest, measured by the shortest walking distance. 

The policy and arrangements for admission to the school are set out by the Local Authority, for further information visit

A paper copy of the booklet can be obtained from the Local Authority’s Pupil Admissions Team on 020 7364 5006.

Children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
For children with an ECHP, parents must contact Tower Hamlets Local Authority SEND department to apply for a school place.